OHS Act & Regulations

All farmers must understand and comply with their duties and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and regulations. Farmers are responsible to ensure all workers do what is required by provincial law. While everyone on the farm is responsible for health and safety, the farmer has the greatest degree of responsibility.

Below you will find guides, fact sheets and checklists to provide you with an overview of your legislative requirements. These are by no means a substitute for the Act and its regulations – click here for the full Act and regulations.

Guides, Fact Sheets & Checklists

Electrical Safety
Mechanical Safety
Fall Protection
Handling Storage of Material
Personal Protective Equipment
Violence in the Workplace
Hoists and Mobile Equipment
Premise and Building Safety
Confined Spaces and Restricted Areas
Scaffolds and other Elevated Platforms
Smoke Free Places Act and Regulations
Welding, Cutting, Burning and Soldering
Ventilation, Lighting, Sanitation and Accommodation