Section 3 of the Farm Safety Plan has resources on assessing the work area to identify hazards, evaluating the hazards for risk, and implementing hazard control measures to mitigate the risk to ensure there is very little residual risk. For example, section 3:6 includes a job hazard analysis form to layout the steps of a job or task to highlight the critical job tasks or hazards associated with the work performed.
Section 3:4 includes a hazard identification form to write down the identified hazards. It includes an area for your risk rating and space to write in the types of hazard controls to use to mitigate the risk. Section 3:7 and section 3:10 provide tools on risk assessment and a more detailed description of the hazard identification and control process.
Hazard identification, risk assessment, and hazard control are key activities in preventing losses in relation to incident, illness, and injury during your day to day activities thus increasing your farm sustainability.