Are you recharging your battery?

Dr. Howatt, President of Howatt HR Consulting, believes being in isolation for 2 weeks will greatly impact our mental health.  He says, “we are like batteries, and like batteries we can be anywhere from charged to empty on a daily basis.”

Personal and situational stressors can drain your battery such as stress, burnout, anxiety, harassment, chronic issues, gossip, workload, distrust, depression, injuries, and incidents.

You need to intentionally recharge your battery by prioritizing sleep, being active, eating fruits and vegetables and finding a connection rather than self-medicating.

If you have been following the NSFA on social media you can see we are trying to stay connected using zoom and Snapchat.  Today we had a coffee break for 15 min over zoom just to catch up on what is going on with everyone.  We are going to continue this on a daily basis.

Find creative ways to stay connected and charge your battery.

If you feel you are struggling with anxiety and depression as well as the inability to charge your battery, there is an anonymous peer support group online called The Big White Wall.  Visit  I screen shot is below giving a few details of how they offer support.


Alternatively, another source to reach out to is the Farm Family Support Center at 1-844-880-9142 it is confidential and immediate support is available 24/7/365.