Below are a few hints and tips to keep in mind to slow the spread as our province’s cases are on a gradual rise.
Potential Exposure:
Try to limit your exposure by:
- Staying close to home, avoid close contact with others if you are out picking up farm supplies, selling your wares at the market, or while working with other farm workers.
- Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Wear a cloth face covering while indoors in public settings and maintain physical distancing.
- Follow good cough and sneeze etiquette.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Monitor your health and get the flu vaccine.
COVID-19 Alert App is a free exposure notification app. It lets you know if you may have been exposed. You can visit the Public Health Website to monitor exposure alerts as well.
Symptoms & Testing:
The Nova Scotia Public Health website also gives direction on what symptoms to be on the look out for, how to self-isolate if you experience symptoms, and when and how to get tested.
Restrictions and Guidelines:
There are various provincial restrictions and guidelines in place to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Click here to view the restrictions and guidelines currently in place.
Financial Help and Social Supports:
Click here for full details on financial help and social supports for individuals, families, seniors, businesses and municipalities who may be suffering hardships during this unprecedented time.
The COVID-19 Agricultural Response Program is available to help those working in the Agriculture Industry by mitigating the effects of the pandemic on the industry’s competitiveness, productivity and profitability.
The Emergency On-Farm Support Program is available to help farms improve their workers health and safety by limiting the spread of COVID-19 in Agricultural Operations.
Farm Safety Nova Scotia developed a COVID-19 Health and Safety Guide to provide resources farms may need to help manage workers health and safety while working on the farm. The guide provides tools and resources to farms to help develop their own COVID-19 exposure control plan. This is not meant to replace the Provincial Workplace COVID-19 Prevention Plan but to act as a supplement to it.
Mental Health Support:
The Farm Family Support Center (1-844-880-9142) is managed as a Member Assistance Program by Morneau Shepell. Farmers and their families have access to up to 3 hours of service at no cost.
You and your eligible family members can receive support over the telephone, in person, online, and through a variety of health and wellness resources. For each concern you are experiencing, you can receive a series of private sessions with an expert. You can also take advantage of online tools to help manage you and your family’s health. You’ll get practical and fast support in a way that is most suited to your preferences, learning preference and lifestyle.
Join Session 3 of the 2020 CASA Conference, Thursday November 12, 2020 from 3-4:30pm for Break the Silence: New Mental Health Resources & Initiatives for Canadian Farmers. Registration is free.
Case Data:
Click here to find out specific COVID-19 Case Data information for the province.
Provincial State of Emergency:
Click Provincial State of Emergency for more information on the current Provincial State of Emergency and what that means to us as Nova Scotian’s during the pandemic.
Other Resources:
Health Canada:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
World Health Organization: