Transportation Guidelines for Nova Scotia Farmers

Road safety is a shared responsibility, and as farmers, it’s essential to follow the regulations that are designed to keep everyone safe. Whether you’re hauling heavy loads, driving slow moving vehicles on the road, or moving crop inputs from farm to field, compliance with the law is crucial. Have you ever checked the Motor Vehicle Act to ensure that, if stopped by a Vehicle Compliance Officer, you will have everything in order? 

We understand that navigating legislation can be daunting. That’s why Vehicle Transportation Inspection of the Department of Public Works developed a Transportation Guidelines resource specifically for Nova Scotia farmers. Here are a few points to consider: 

  • Hauling more than one trailer at a time requires written permission from the Registrar 
  • Any tractor manufactured after 1974 must be equipped with a rollover protective structure and a seatbelt, which must be worn at all times. 
  • You must have a slow-moving vehicle sign on farm tractors, trailers being towed by farm tractors, or any vehicle that cannot go faster than 40 km/h 
  • On tires that say FARM USE ONLY, or NOT FOR HIGHWAY USE, check for the speed limit marked on them. If you go faster than the limit you could get a traffic ticket. 
  • Farm equipment displaying a slow-moving vehicle sign is not required to have a motor vehicle inspection  

There are also certain license requirements you’ll need to haul varying levels of weight: 

If you’re looking to brush up on your motor vehicle requirements, Farm Safety Nova Scotia can help. We offer the following resources to support you:  

  • License Endorsement testing at least twice a year (spring and fall) in the Valley and Truro, and other areas where there is demand. 
  • Transportation Guidelines sessions with a Vehicle Compliance Officer. 
  • Driver’s Prep training in English and Spanish, which covers both Rules of the Road and Road Signs Identification to help prepare students for a Nova Scotia driver’s license.  

Contact if you have an interest in any of the offerings. 

To access a copy of the Transportation Guidelines for Nova Scotia Farmers, check out the Transportation section of our website by clicking here.  

Let’s work together to keep our roads safe for everyone.